NYPWA Exhibitor - Sponsorship - Advertisement Opportunity

New York Public Welfare Association
156th Annual Summer Conference

Ambassadors of Hope:
Elevating Our Way to the Future

July 20-25, 2025 •  The Saratoga Hilton Hotel



Reserve your booth space now! Prime booth space is assigned based on registration date and level of conference sponsorship. Don't miss this opportunity to be recognized at the New York Public Welfare Association conference as an exhibitor, advertiser, or sponsor. 

2025 Summer Conference Exhibitor - Sponsorships - Advertisement Brochure

2025 Summer Conference Exhibitor Agreement

Exhibitor Space 

Gold Sponsorships

Event Sponsorships

Advertising Opportunities

Product/Services Description: Please provide your company’s information, such as company name, address, contact name, phone, email, and website, to nicole.gee@nypwa.org. The Final Conference Brochure will be distributed electronically, as well as being posted on the NYPWA website. The deadline for submission is Friday, June 27, 2025.

Company Logo (Sponsors): Please send a high resolution PDF file of your company logo, to nicole.gee@nypwa.org. The deadline for submission is Friday, June 27, 2025.

Advertisements: Please send a high resolution PDF file of your ad to nicole.gee@nypwa.org by Friday, June 27, 2025. Please embed fonts and DO NOT protect the document to ensure that the file will be usable. The final Conference Brochure will be distributed electronically, as well as being posted on the NYPWA website.

DECORATING/SHIPPING & STORAGE SERVICES: The NYPWA will be contracting with a tradeshow decorating company that will be available to help you with all shipping and storage needs. After you 
register you will receive an Exhibitor Information Packet from Clifton Park Convention Services. Any 
additional decorating, shipping, or electrical needs must be ordered directly through Clifton Park 
Convention Services, 518-877-7449. If you require internent access, please contact Zak Westbrook at CMI AV at the Saratoga Hilton: zwestbrook@cmiav.com  

Exhibitor Move-In & Tear-Down Schedule: The NYPWA Exhibit Hall move-in for exhibitors is:
• Move-in for Exhibitors is, Sunday, July 20, from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM. 
• Or Move-In for Exhibitors before 9:00 AM on Monday, July 21.
• Exhibit Tear-Down will be Tuesday, July 22, from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM. 

QUESTIONS: Please contact Nicole Gee, NYPWA Administrative/Conference Coordinator, at
518-465-9305, ext. 3 or nicole.gee@nypwa.org